白菜肉絲炒年糕 Fried Rice Cake with Napa Cabbage & Pork

材料 Ingredients
寧波年糕 Ningbo rice cake1-1/3 磅 lb (600g)
里肌肉(切絲) Pork loin (cut thin strips)2/3 磅 lb (300g)
基本醃料(濃) Basic Marinade(Dark)1 份 portion
香菇(切片) Shiitake Mushroom (sliced)6 小朵 small
蝦米(泡軟) Dried shrimp (soaked)1 大匙 Tbs
大白菜(切粗絲) Napa cabbage (cut thick strips)1 磅 lb (450g)
蔥(切小段) Scallion (cut small segments)2 支 stalk
油 Cooking oil2+2 大匙 Tbs
水 Water 1/2 杯 cup
炒麵醬汁 Fried noodle sauce1 份 portion



1.Diagonally cut the rice cake into thin slices. Marinate the pork with the Dark Basic Marinade for 15 minutes.
2.Prepare the Fried Noodle Sauce.
3.Place 2 tbs. of oil, scallion (white part) and dried shrimp in a heated wok; sauté until aromatic. Add shiitake mushroom, pork and part A from the Fried Noodle Sauce; sauté until the pork strips are loose and the color of the pork turns white. Set the mixture aside.
4.Add 2 tbs. of oil and Napa cabbage to the same wok; sauté for 1 minute. Lay the rice cake slices on top of the cabbage; add part B from the Fried Noodle Sauce and 1/2 cup of water; cover and cook until the cabbage reaches desired softness.
5.Remove the lid; add the mixture from step 3 and scallion (green part); stir over medium-high heat until combined.

最後更新 (Last Update): 10/27/2020
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